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>So, you bought the 2.8 NA engine, huh?  First mistake... <g>  But
>you can change the cam, K&N/cone the air filter, get a bigger exhaust and
>be up maybe 8-10%.  There was talk about Wettrauer having a chip for the
>2.8 but since I don't have one of those, I don't know for sure.

	You can also get a larger Throttle Body for the 12v A4.  Wettrauer
and Tap both have these I think as well as one other firm.  Very noticable
difference throughout power band, mainly mid and upper.

>But wait, you say that you can't use the SC because it's for the 30V,
>is the V6-5V, which is the 2.8.  So you have the 1.8 turbo.  There are
>LOADS of things you can do to the 1.8t to hop it up.  Chips being just
>one of the bountiful items.  SCC had a _cover story_ on chipping the
>1.8t. Everyone has a chip for the 1.8t.                                              

	FIrst of all.  You are forgetting about the A4 12v.  These came on
the earlier A4s and are same motor as on earlier A6.  172 hp I think.  THe
30v kit wont work on these due to different ECU etc but I seems to me the
mechanicals would work.  All you need is the re-programed 12v ECU.  Just
making a point.  BTW, I think there is one company that said that after
release of their 30v kit, they would release a 12v version for
A6/100/Early A4 owners.  Even the Cabriolet could use this maybe.  Not
sure though.  

	Todd Phenneger
	1984 4000s quattro / modified/ awaiting Turbo Transplant.
	1985 4000 quattro / Silver / Fixing it Up.
	198y7 4000cs quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!