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Fellow Auto Unionists,

Recently one of my shocks went bad, giving me a viable excuse to buy new
springs and shocks.  Well, in my mind, anyway.  So I called Jamex after
seeing an ad in Sports Compact Car.  (Not mine, a girl at works' copy.) 
Being the only ad that mentioned Audi, I thought I'd see what they
offered.  I talked to John, who turned out to be a Audiphile and a
Q-Lister, as well.  That's a selling point!  So my question to the forum
is:  How good are the product?  Are their other spring/shock kits I could
look into for around the same price?  (about $350)  I own a 1986 Coupe
GT, built around November of `85.  I recently found out the Eibach no
longer has complete sets ready for sale, and H&R have discontinued theirs
for this model.  Oh, yeah...I heard that here.  [8^)  2Bennet's are out
of the question, as to the fact that I don't have that kind of money. 
John at Jamex says his kits should be available December 15 or so.  

I want to lower my car about one and a half to one and three quater
inches.  I don't plan on getting rims any larger than 15".  I do a lot of
highway driving, but I like to drive "spiritedly" on the curvy backroads
on the weekends.  And I couldn't give a Rattus Norwegicus' postierior
aspect how any (brave) passenger thinks of the ride comfort.  It's a
driver's car, after all.  (Hell, that's why the seats have padding!)  Oh
yeah, I'm not a racer and I don't have piles`o money laying around to
spend on my Audi.  Any constructive opinions?  Any smart-assed
wisecracks, as well?  [8^)


Love, Like, or Just Plain Tolerate,


`86 CGT (Slightly lamed)
`82 Coupe (Fully lamed)