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RE: Almost Reckless Driving

I can definitely relate to your experience.  In warm weather I like to
drive our Miata to work.  One fine summer day, I decided to take a "back
road" on my way from Oswego County NY to Rochester NY.  Normally a boring
1.5 hr drive.  So I tackled lots of twisties on roads that I know very
well, saw no other cars for 30-40 mins... save one.  A state trooper musta
decided to enjoy the day also, and had parked far off the road in a wooded
area at the bottom of a particularly long hill.  I crested the hill doing
somewhere around 90, saw him, and hit the brakes.  He scared me so that I
was doing almost 45 at the bottom of the hill.  I had never seen any type
of police on this road before in the 4-5 years that I have been driving it.
 Oh well.   He slowly pulled out, and I did not see him again for more than
5 mins.  Then he decided to catch up with me, and followed me for a while. 
Then he finally decided to pull me over.  No warning, though... he cited me
for 83 in a 55.  I've noticed that police LOVE to cite and follow closely
behind and otherwise harass me when I'm driving that Miata... but they
ignore me in my bright red Audi and certainly in our Mini-Van.  

Since that day I've been debating whether to invest in a Valentine, or just
not to use a radar detector at all.  I have an older Laser type on the
Miata, and although it did go off, it did not give me any advance warning. 
But I suspect that having it did make the officer more likely to site me
(in addition to being in a small black sports car!)

Craig Krivin
MCI/WorldCom Advanced Networks
Sr. Account Manager
Upstate NY Branch
Ckrivin@csi.Xcompuserve.com (remove X to reply..)