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FW: A4 Jetta arrives this Tuesday
Just thought you all would want to know....
Craig Krivin
MCI/WorldCom Advanced Networks
Sr. Account Manager
Upstate NY Branch
Ckrivin@csi.Xcompuserve.com (remove X to reply..)
-----Original Message-----
From: vwus@scottvw.com
Sent: Monday, November 09, 1998 4:19 PM
Subject: A4 Jetta arrives this Tuesday
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Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 16:18:55 -0500 (EST)
Message-Id: <199811092118.QAA4199998@www33.hway.net>
To: ckrivin@csi.compuserve.com
From: vwus@scottvw.com
Subject: A4 Jetta arrives this Tuesday
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Good News,
I will be picking up our first 1999 Jetta A4 on Tuesday 10th November the
car will be available for customer viewing sometime in the afternoon. We
have posted quite a number of images on our Jetta A4 pages located at
tta/a4jetta.htm. Pricing should be available by the end of the week. We
also wish to thank Jamie and the Vortex team for permission to use some of
the featured A4 Images.
Webmasters add your site to our New Top 20 Volkswagen websites by going to
http://scottvw.com/topsites/topsites.html just a little bit of fun to
generate some extra web traffic and provide our visitors with another VW
Web resource.
We will be updating our inventory database to a better system as we have
encountered problems with different browsers.
1999 Beetles with Sunroof are in production we expect further details later
this week.
1999 General model changes are listed here
Don't forget if you are looking for Used VW's or Parts check out our Free
Classifieds located http://scottvw.com/classified/index.htm You can place
your own ads for free.
We are also very pleased to announce our sponsorship of http:freeloop.com a
very cool website done by very cool people.
Thanks for Subscribing to our humble little newsletter if you wish to be
removed please reply to this message with "remove" as the subject.
With Best Wishes
Mark Bamberry and the Staff at Scott Volkswagen
Ph 401-438-5555