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The 9-3 lock position on the trunk should allow the trunk to lock and
unlock along with the doors using the central locking system. This has
always been the case on both my '91 90Q 20V and my '93 90CS. If your
central locking system is functioning, i.e. the vacuum pump operates and
the four doors lock and unlock, then I would check the locking mechanism
at the trunk latch. I've had one occasion when the vacuum hose became
disconnected and another time when it simply needed lubrication.
Jason Whyte
'93 90CS
'91 90Q 20V
'87 Coupe GT
'83 Coupe GT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig Krivin [SMTP:CKRIVIN@CSI.compuserve.com]
> Sent: Sunday, November 08, 1998 11:07 PM
> Cc: 'audi-20v@emailsol.com'; 'INTERNET:quattro@coimbra.'
> Subject:
> Quattro9020v said:
> "When to power locks are activated [to either lock or unlock] there is
> the
> normal vacum sound and then somewhere in the vicinity of the trunk
> lock
> there is a moderatly loud clunk. The 9/3 position keeps the trunk
> locked
> as does the 12/6 position and the only way to open it is with the key
> at
> the 1/7 position. Does this problem sound familiar to anyone?? An
> easy
> fix, or live with it? Any BTDT's appreciated."
> Interesting, but my 91 90Q 20V performs in exactly the same way that
> you
> describe. I read the manual also, and it does say that the 9/3
> position
> should operate the trunk lock in conjunction with the doorlocks ie.
> doors
> unlocked, trunk unlocked. Anyone else out there corroborate? I just
> suspect that the manual is wrong, but......
> Craig Krivin
> MCI/WorldCom Advanced Networks
> Sr. Account Manager
> Upstate NY Branch
> Ckrivin@csi.Xcompuserve.com (remove X to reply..)