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In message <01BE0BC6.F65EF140@st4596.infonet.tufts.eduAndrew Pawlisz writes:
> The other day I have replaced a warm-up regulator on a 84 4K and
> the car runs much worse. The old unit was inoperative for at
> least one year, but the car run fine. Testing of the old unit
> indicated that there was no resistance between electrical
> connectors suggesting a burned-out heater of the bi-metallic
> strip that controls the fuel pressure in the fuel distributor.
Here's a scenario for the experts to kick around.
The old one was broken _twice_ - the heater, and control
pressure when warm was wrong.
The heater being broken doesn't, over time, make much difference - the
thing heats up anyway because it's bolted to the engine block. The
heater only changes the shape of the curve, accelerating the warm-up
effect somewhat.
However - (2nd part of scenario) the control pressure was seriously
out. This applied a sufficiently incorrect pressure to the top of the
metering head plunger to cause the adjustment to be badly out for a
new (correct) control pressure regulator. I would suggest that the
old one was 'high', and as a result the plunger is now rising too high
and over-richening the mixture.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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