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I have an 85 Audi 5000s Turbo that I recent purchased and found
several minor problems with, so far I'm fixing as I'm finding and ..
I'm finding lots! :) 

it's not bad tho.. 

here's what happened to me last night. 

I overheated due to a hose breaking and had to pull into somewhere to
find the broken hose and try to find a sutable replacement. luckly I
stopped at a gas station with a late hours garage with mech's on duty. 

they replaced my hose, and flushed and filled my coolant for 50 bux.
not a bad price for what I needed to do anyhow. 

then driving away I found that a sensor that was located directly
below the hose that blew up was squirting out oil, This sensor
(unknown name) is located directly on the block and is one of two in
the same general location (this is the 5 cyl model of course) 

the two sensors are on the lower end of the left hand side of the
block or head or whatever (I'm not super engine savy here since I'm
not that familar with repairing the sensors of this model or make. 

anyhow. since it was squirting oil, it made me belive that the sensor
was damaged by the mechanics, not on pourpose, but by mistake,
probably while removing the hose that lead into the block... and most
likly with a crowbar to save time. and to keep from burning their
hands. this allowed for carlessness and thus destroyed my oil pressure
sensor, or whatever this sensor is. 

Now. since the sensor is located in the front of the block area. on
the left. near the hose intake, I'm assuming this an oil temp, or
pressure sensor.. 

I need to know exactly what this is so I can order a new one or find
it used at a audi junk yard in my area (which there is one! .. YIPPY!) 


in the mean time. I'm worried, cause I can't drive my audi 5ks turbo
while this thing is squirting oil all over the place in my engine.. 

any idea what to do? 

should I make the gas station mechanics repair this for free or what? 

and if I can't get them to replace it. what should I be paying for
this sensor, and how much is it. and what should I do to put it in?
teflon tape was suggested by someone that does many engine repairs
daily .. 

thanks for the help. 


audi 5000s turbo .. 85


Drive Audi
Eat Trees


Steve Berry
Located in wonderfull downtown Taylor, Michigan
(A)bort, (R)etry, R(i)nse, R(e)peat... [    ] 
frogf00t@yahoo.com (remember f00t uses zeros!) 
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