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RE: quattro-digest V4 #3041
Dan said this:
On Sunday, November 08, 1998 11:37 PM, quattro-digest
[SMTP:owner-quattro-digest@coimbra.ans.net] wrote:
> It occurred to me that if we found a house, and we were to
> car pool with my BIL and SIL and their dog, we would need
> a vehicle capable of carrying 4 adults, some bags, 2 largish
> dogs (70/80lbs) in comfort and speed.
> So, what does everyone else with 2 dogs drive? Don't tell me,
> Suburban, Land Rover, LandCruiser...
I guess that I have to disagree with Andrew. 4 adults, bags, 2 large dogs
plus DSE (dog support equipment) not mention all of the other essentials
(food, music, skis yadayadayada) will make the ride in a Avant or other
type wagon tight. Sorry to say it but when we need to travel with all of
this we do it in the DSV (dog support vehicle - 92 Rodeo). The dogs ain't
goin in the white interior 100S.