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Re: All-Road A Go For Y2K
*gasp* the allroad. what a dream car! gazing at this
on their website was what started me obsessing over
quattros months ago, when i was looking for a ski car.
i even called the dealer to ask about them. the response
was extremely rude, rude treatment and a denial that the
car even exists. "i'm looking at it on the web right now".
"where?" he asked. "on audi's website..." hahaha.
anyway, when will these come to america? ever? what are
they expected to fetch, around $45k?
On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Todd Young wrote:
:|Dan Becker wrote:
:|> I would like the option of a vehicle I could get back in the Colorado
:|> hills a little more. So ride heighth as well as a more agressive
:|> suspension would be an attractive alternative. It would probably need a
:|> little different gearing as well.
:|>From what I've read, on the VWVortex site and elsewhere, the AllRoad will
:|have a height adjustable air bag suspension. There will be three levels, low,
:|medium, high. I can't remember the suspension heights associated with each
:|level, but I do remember that when the car is turned off, or if you go over
:|40mph, the car will automatically go to the lowest level.
:|Todd Young WAM!NET Inc.
:|tyoung@wamnet.com 6100 West 110th Street
:|612-886-5051 Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
:|800-585-1133 ext.5051 http://www.wamnet.com/
'83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 - chaotic good
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