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RE: DHOW: Injector testing

In message <C1C50FF63D04D1119BBD0000F804A83F01758739@emss02m04.ems.lmco.com> "Southerlin, Russell S" writes:

> On a side note when I ordered the replacement for the bad injector I asked
> them how they rebuild the injectors and they told me that they are not
> rebuilt they just pull them out of cars that they know are running O.K.  If
> I would have know that at the start I would have gone with new injectors.
> For the time and hassle it caused me the new injectors would have actually
> cost less in the long run.

Yeah.  As regulars will know, I _really_ don't like used injection

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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