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tool sharing program

Revisiting some old ideas and some new ones here, since the new
server will be seeing light of day soon (hardware is on order
and colocation space has been spoken for).

I got to thinking about the GtechPro sharing that was going on,
and I have an idea I'd like to develop.

Since the new site (audifans.com) will be supported by advertising
and perhaps donations, I'd like to organize a tool rental

For a nominal contribution, you could have the use of a VAG1551,
crany pulley tools, etc for the weekend.

What do you think?  The parts should probably sit at a central 
location, with a known lister willing to "run" the program
(this would also involve shipping the parts out and verifying
that they are OK upon return).  If funds allow, there would be
a small "salary" for this person.   Feel free to volunteer
or nominate someone and explain why.

This also brings up the idea of membership (most likely without
a fee).  I don't relish the idea of sending $500+ of tools out to
a stranger with a hotmail address.   We would probably have to
establish an actual membership, in order to have valid info on
the person, but this again involves human effort, and time I
don't have.  Maybe for $20/yr or some pittance, you get a window
decal, a membership number, free classifieds on the website
(I know they are free now), a structured discount with vendors, etc.  
Other benefits would be available as I think of them.
The other things like mailing list and website
should remain free in order to grow.

Talk amongst yourselves...

| Dan |
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
Worldcom Advanced Networks 	http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Manhattanville Road                 (914) 701-5378 (voice)
Purchase, NY 10577                      (914) 701-5310 (fax)