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Re: What size were those V8/200t aero wheels?
To try to clear things up, here's a picture of a V8 with the wheels I'm
talking about, at:
That's from the 1990 V8 file at IntelliChoice; all other years show the
basketweave wheels, FWIW. I couldn't find any images of a 200t with that
style of wheel, but I know they exist, because I saw one today and
stopped to look at it. I don't know if they're the same width as the V8
ones, but their appearance is the same.
- Wallace
'87 5kcstq 150k, looking for pearl wheels
> At 02:27 PM 11/10/98 -0800, you wrote:
> >I've seen a few V8's and 200t's that have flat, six-slotted
> >wheels. I believe these wheels were the descendant of the six-slotted
> >wheels that came stock on 5kcst's and -q's; these newer ones are flatter
> >and have exposed lugs. I've seen some in pearl white and have thought
> >they might be nice to have on my pearl 5kcstq, which has mediocre (at
> >best) Riken wheels on it presently. I figure this is a more realistic
> >plan than scouring the junkyards for a few years to find pearl Fuchs at
> >a bargain.
> >
> >Could someone tell me what size (incl. offset) these wheels were, and
> >which cars they were used on? The wheels I've seen have had 205/60 R15's
> >on them. I imagine that they are 15x7, 45mm offset (right?), and that
> >they would fit the 5kcstq fine. Thanks.
> >
> >- Wallace
> > '87 5kcstq 150k