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RE: Quattro Pricing

I said "my" market, not "the" market.  There are plenty of rich people out
there who can afford new quattros.  Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.  

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jonathan Brauer [SMTP:jonathb@uswest.net]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 11, 1998 8:30 PM
> To:	Qlist
> Subject:	Quattro Pricing
> > Since a new A4Q is quickly becoming more than I can afford, does anybody
> > know if the new Golf IV will be available in the US with quattro/synchro
> and
> > what engine it might have?  Unfortunately, Audi is pricing themselves
> out
> of
> > my market (or at least what I'm willing to afford.)
> How is Audi pricing itself out of a market by keeping its entry-level
> price
> unchanged from last year? (actually, lower -- the sunroof option dropped
> $400 from last year) It seems that most reviews of the A41.8tq rave about
> the bang for the buck, bwdik.
> Regards--
> --JB