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RE: 4kqt conversion

> It is a 5000t motor, the only problem I see that exists
> is they made no 5000t with 5-spd from 83< 
> The URQ flywheel will advance the timing 2-3 degrees
> is this a major problem or can I counter affect it with
> the distributor. (have access to a Snap-on adjustable timing light)
If you use the WX flywheel with the WK engine, the timing will be determined
by the distributor in any case ...

> Also, I have new injectors on my 4kq and would like to use these
> this is a CIS system so will they work with the K-jectronic???
> The Fuel injectors were removed from the 5kt when I managed to pop the 
> hood.
> I still have not received a response as far as factory compression on
> the WX in PSI. Also, allowable compression?
Well, I spent a bit of time with the Bentley for the Type 43, the QTC and
the IST documents for the QTC.  Here are some notes I collected ...

=>'83 5000T - Engine code WK.  130HP@5400RPM
*	Compression 7-9 bar (100-130PSI), minimum 5 bar (72PSI), max diff
between cyl's 2 bar (30PSI)
*	Fuel system pressure 5.2-5.8bar (75-85PSI)
*	Dual oil filter configuration (one for engine & one for turbo)
*	Engine does not have oil jets to cool pistons
*	Ignition system is standard vacuum/centrifugal advance with Hall
Effect device in place of points.  Idle stabilizer advances ignition timing
when RPMs drop below 1000.  
*	Overboost protection - safety switch interrupts ground to fuel pump
*	the turbo is oil cooled only, there is no intercooler, boost fed
into throttle body at back of intake manifold.  Exhaust manifold looks quite
similar to that on QTC, but downpipe is definitely different.  

=>'83 QTC - Engine code WX.  160HP@5500RPM
*	Compression 7-9 bar (100-130PSI), minimum 5 bar (72PSI), max diff
between cyl's 2 bar (30PSI)
*	Fuel system pressure 5.2-6.0bar (75-90PSI)
*	Dual oil filter configuration (one for engine & one for turbo)
*	Engine has oil jets to cool pistons
*	Ignition system is "Hartig" system, controlling both ignition timing
and OXS feedback.  Distributor has no vacuum or centrifugal mechanisms, but
does have Hall Effect device to indicate TDC-compression on #1.  Timing
sensors on flywheel index mark and starter ring teeth.  System receives
inputs for coolant temperature, intake charge temp, boost pressure and
idle/WOT on throttle body.  
*	Overboost protection - Controlled by F/TCU and monitors boost based
on RPMs
*	the turbo is oil cooled only, there is an intercooler, boost fed
into throttle body at front of intake manifold. 

I think someone mentioned that the ECU on the WK was the same as on the 4kQs
... I'm pretty skeptical.  The 4kQ uses the CIS-E with the differential
pressure regulator in place if the CIS' Control Pressure Regulator and OXS
Frequency Valve.  It would not be likely that you would be able to easily
adapt the fuel consumption related functions of the trip computer to either
the WK or WX.  

In the IST documents it describes the changes in the QTC's engine ...

It states that the WX is based on the WK.  An electronic control was added
to control OXS & timing [Hartig system].  The diameter of the exhaust system
is increased from 60mm to 65mm, with the pipes being made of stainless
steel.  The intake system was redesigned to use a single stage throttle body
mounted at the front of the intake manifold.  An intercooler is added ...
this is stated to be the item that allows the majority of the power
increase.  Boost pressure is claimed to be 25% higher.  The wastegate
control is taken from intake manifold pressure rather than the WK's exhaust
pressure-based control.  

Overall it seems as though there were more similarities between the WK and
WX than I originally though from the message I sent to you yesterday.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)