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Winter storage procedures I last used on my 2002;
Try to run out as much of the fuel as possible,add some gas stabilizer
(Stabil) to the tank, run it another minute or so, shut it down (Stabil is
available at any small engine shop).
Pull the plugs, squirt a tsp of motor oil into each cylinder, replace plugs.
Pull the battery, make sure you know the radio code if applicable
Carefully elastic band some paper, not plastic over the tailpipe, keeps the
rodents out.
Some advocate pulling the wheels/tires outting it on blocks. Never seemed
to be worth the trouble to me.
Close the doors on the first catch, leaving the pressure off of the rubber
( I am not convinced this matters, after all the doors would be closed
99.99% of the time if you were running it, but what the hell!)
Someone will undoubtedly add something I have left off.