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Re: Tires [S8 and other questions]

I also live in the SF bay area.

What tires do you drive? I just got an A4 with sport package Dunlop
SP8000s. I'm debating whether to go for separate "winter tires" or year
round all-seasons.

Heck, with the winters here and weekends in Tahoe, _all-seasons_ might be
the winter tire?!? Snow tires could be overkill, though I've been in some
pretty knarly storms in the mountains...

98 A4 2.8qms

"c a l i b a n" <caliban@sharon.net> on 11/12/98 05:26:29 PM

To:   "Bruce Aukerman" <Bruce@mannlawfirm.com>
cc:   quattro@coimbra.ans.net (bcc: Andrew Chang/PFC/Providian)
Subject:  Re: Tires [S8 and other questions]

On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Bruce Aukerman wrote:

:|"All-season" is really a catchy misnomer thought up by marketing.
Really, it should be "no-season".  I have driven on many "all-season" tires
and, frankly, I understand the purchase only due to cost and maybe for your
mom's dodge.

     the real problem for many of us is dual-driving.  i live
     in the bay area but plan to be in tahoe every weekend.
     i want something that will be better than a sport
     tire int9e snow, but won't drive like mashed potatos in
     the dry and rainy bay area, going to work, etc etc.
     i want to be better than average in snow, and decent
     on dry.  anything more than that is bonus.

 rocky mullin
 '83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good
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