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Re: G60 brake upgrades?

Hi DeWitt,

I have a.625 inch hubcentric spacer on each of my front wheels. I think I'm
using a Mercedes lug bolt, (they're quite long), If my memory is working.
(Sometimes).  The car certainly looks better and more importantly it will
not understeer as badly now. This amount of extra front track will put the
outer edges of the tires nicely in line with the fender. As far as brakes,
you'll never clear the caliper by moving the wheel outward. You need larger
diameter wheels for that.

Joel Stetina<mlcmlc@enter.net> 91 200Q, 87 5000 TQ, & others
-----Original Message-----
From: DeWitt Harrison <de@aztek-eng.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Friday, November 13, 1998 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: G60 brake upgrades?

>A slight tangent: to what degree, are the front struts of the
>5ktq/200tq/'91 200tq/V8/S4 interchangeable? My current plans
>for fiddling with the front end involve using a spacer to move
>(1) wider tires away from the steering arm and (2) wheels away
>from bigger calipers. A better solution would be a strut swap of
>some kind which would accomplish these things properly.
>Any thoughts?
>DeWitt Harrison
>Boulder, CO
>88 5kcstq
>On Fri, 13 Nov 1998 11:37:20 -0800, John Karasaki wrote:
>>According to Sportwheels, the A8 rotors are a direct swap for the A4
>>and they sell the mounting bracket to move the caliper out accordingly.
>>I have a pair of A8 rotors sitting in my garage.  Going from memory, the
>>rotors are 312mm x 25.4 mm.  I can measure them again if anyone wants
>>I can attest that they are a direct fit on the 5ktq and the V8 with S4
>>strut/hub assemblies.
>>[ ... ]