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Re: Wow, Saw Aero Wheels with 4x108

'89 - '91 100 non-q's were all 4-bolt, like their 5k predecessors. The
ones I've seen all have those 6-slotted flat wheels, with exposed lugs,
of the same style as the 200 and V8 ones (which were 6" and 7.5" wide
respectively, it seems). Those 4-bolt ones are much more common than the
5's, in fact. They certainly make those 100's look a lot better than
standard 5k's, IMO.

The center reflector section did carry on on the 200, while the 100
continued to have the black center section. On 5k's, it was actually the
CS models--not necessarily turbo's, I believe--that had this. I've seen
a couple of 5kcs's--not turbo or quattro--with 4-bolt Ronals and that
center reflector section.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 150k

Todd Phenneger wrote:
> Yea, the wheels people have been talking about that came on the V8 and
> 200.  Well, I jsut saw a 100 with these on it.  But they were 4 bolt!?!?
> I thought all US 100s had 5-bolt.  I knew 5000s had 4 bolt unless Turbo or
> Quattro.  Is this car wierd or am I the weird one for being suprised it
> had 4-bolt.  Looked like 15" wheels to but I could not be sure.  It was
> sitting next to me at an intersection.
>         Also, Did the Turbo/Non-Turbo light differences carry over into
> 100/200 years or did all 100's get the Turbo lights then? This car had the
> Non-Turbo lights.  L8R