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Re: 91 200 tq ABS sensor
At 10:28 PM 11/15/98 EST, Chris Semple wrote:
>But not all Audi's are taking those caps...depends on which ABS sensors
>got. The Bosch are the bolt in kind which use the caps to set depth. The
>sensors are direct push-ins, without spacers. A quickie rule might be if your
>sensors bolt in place, order new caps before removal.
Aha! That explains a lot. I've never seen a mention of the Wabco push-in
sensors before. It explains a question I had a year ago...I had removed my
ABS sensors to do some maintenance, and had ordered sensor caps like I
thought I should. However, upon removing my sensors, it became clear that
the caps were *way* too small for my sensors (which were the push-in kind).
So I just pushed them back in. Never had a problem with them afterwards.
Still have a whole bunch of those useless caps lying around
Steve Manning: stephenm@ix.netcom.com
...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
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