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Re: Help - Brake Bleeding gone wrong


> Can anyone help me out here. I installed new front caliper lines on my
> UrQ. I bled the fronts, both w/ no problem. Then I started the official
> bleeding. I bled the pressure regulator, no problem. When I went to the
> right rear caliper all I get is air. I have been bleeding it now for an
> hour w/ a vacuum gun and I still get air. What's going on, the same
> thing happens with the left rear. The fronts bleed OK though. I wrapped
> the bleeder screws w/ teflon so air leaks w/ the screws aren't the
> issue. Any help of the immediate kind would be appreciated. Or give me a
> call at (914) 969-8328 to save my rapidly deteriorating weekend.
> Andrew Finney
> 1983 UrQ.

Hi Andrew

This happened to me before. You need pressure bleeder. If you don.t have one
try to gravity bleed, but that may not work. I use Gunsen's pressure bleeder
that uses compressed air from a tire. Vacume bleeder never worked  for me.
If you get too much boubles from front calipers just keep tapping them and
the air will eventually will come out. If you gravity bleed remove bleeder
valves completly.
Gunsens pressure bleeder is sold by Moss motors in Dover NJ mailorder for
about $20.00

Mike Z