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Re: Help - Brake Bleeding gone wrong

Yes.  This is the Eezi-Bleed I was referring to.

John C.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Zamikhovsky <MikeZ755@sprintmail.com>
To: afinney@bigplanet.com <afinney@bigplanet.com>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Monday, November 16, 1998 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: Help - Brake Bleeding gone wrong

>> Can anyone help me out here. I installed new front caliper lines on my
>> UrQ. I bled the fronts, both w/ no problem. Then I started the official
>> bleeding. I bled the pressure regulator, no problem. When I went to the
>> right rear caliper all I get is air. I have been bleeding it now for an
>> hour w/ a vacuum gun and I still get air. What's going on, the same
>> thing happens with the left rear. The fronts bleed OK though. I wrapped
>> the bleeder screws w/ teflon so air leaks w/ the screws aren't the
>> issue. Any help of the immediate kind would be appreciated. Or give me a
>> call at (914) 969-8328 to save my rapidly deteriorating weekend.
>> Andrew Finney
>> 1983 UrQ.
>Hi Andrew
>This happened to me before. You need pressure bleeder. If you don.t have
>try to gravity bleed, but that may not work. I use Gunsen's pressure
>that uses compressed air from a tire. Vacume bleeder never worked  for me.
>If you get too much boubles from front calipers just keep tapping them and
>the air will eventually will come out. If you gravity bleed remove bleeder
>valves completly.
>Gunsens pressure bleeder is sold by Moss motors in Dover NJ mailorder for
>about $20.00
>Mike Z