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RE: Bucking 4KCSQ Resets Clock!?
The clock is the biggest clue ... the ECU is losing power for some reason.
I'll bet you'll find that the fuse in the box that looks like a spare is now
blown. There issems to be a fairly high frequency of this happening ... I
think Ken Keith was the first one I heard about in detail. The power supply
for the ECU also goes to the WOT & Idle switches on the throttle body
(blk/blu if memory serves) ... and I think it even goes elsewhere. What I
think is happening is that the insulation on this wire is wearing away at
some point and allowing the wire to short to ground ... blowing the fuse
eventually ...
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> ----------
> From: Peter Tengstrand[SMTP:hvta2@mediaone.net]
> Sent: Sunday, November 15, 1998 7:52 AM
> To: Quattro List
> Subject: Bucking 4KCSQ Resets Clock!?
> The other night while driving home in my '87 4KCSQ it started to buck.
> Not hesitate but buck. Just once, every few minutes - randomly. The
> strange thing is I noticed it reset the clock (computer) on the dash but
> everything else seemed to be working normally. In fact there was no
> light flicker or any other abnormal behavior - the LED's in the center
> console didn't even blink and the radio continued to operate.
> I got home okay and the next morning I able to get it started but
> barely keep it running - so I drove my other '87 4KCSQ to work :-)
> (always keep a spare Quattro on hand). Anyway, I got a chance to look at
> the car last weekend and it started and ran fine! What gives? I started
> driving it again but after a few days the same thing only much less
> frequently.
> One last bit of info, I haven't had to put new gas in it since this
> bucking started - I don't know if that maters but I thought I'd mention
> it.
> I look to the wisdom (and hard earned lessons) of the list.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> 2 x '87 4KCSQ