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V8Q: Optional CD Changer Questions

I was looking through the V8Q service fiche this morning and came across the
block diagram for the stereo with the CD changer.  From the looks of it the
changer is very much like the aftermarket units that provide a signal via
the RF input and an auxiliary control head.  I don't know what I was
expecting to see ... I guess I thought the CD controller would be integrated
with the stereo head somehow.  If this is in fact the way the changer
"integrates" with the system there doesn't seem to be much of an advantage
to the optional unit as compared with the other "universal fitment" CD
changers that are available.  

Would someone who has the "factory" CD controller unit care to comment about
how well it is integrated into the factory stereo?  Are there any benefits
that you see to the factory changer as compared to the other units that are

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)