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Re: re Auto up/down power windows

> If you put in tap up mode, how will you keep from guillotine risk.

Um, by not tapping the switch while hanging my noggin out the window? 
Actually I have a certain freedom from normal engineering requirements,
as I have no children or dog, the major causes/victims of such
tomfoolery.  For instance, I can wire my windows to work all the time,
as they are now, since there are no kids to burn them out or run down
the battery while marvelling at the magical functions of their little

> I
> suspect the cars that have [one touch up] have some kind of motor load (current) sensing
> to shut down when neck resistance is felt.

You are probably right.  Either in the motor or at the control module.

I should test how much crushing force the window motors in my car have
one of these days... maybe on a cardboard tube or something.  Then
perhaps I could obtain a cadaver and test it on body parts!

Huw Powell


82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT