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Re: Another wonderful(not) Audi defect
Hapened to me on Highway 80 at, oh, about 85 mph when I was cresting a hill
and saw an Ohio Smokey sitting in the median. I know from personal
experience that the brakes will out-power the accel in a Q. Unintended
acceleration? Not!
At 08:51 AM 11/19/1998 , Dave Aukerman was inspired to say:
> Driving down a two lane road yesterday when I noticed the acel. pedal had a
> fair amount of resistence. i.e. would not go down. Push a little harder
> and BOOM, WOT. Problem was the pedal did not return and meanwhile the car
> is in 5th(thankfully) and running like a stuck pig. Turned key off and
> coasted into someone driveway, pop hood and found that the rod which runs
> parallel to the accel. cable and opperates the cruise control vaccum had
> popped out of place and wedged itself between the fuel injection lines.
> After removing the rod and tossing it in the car and everything is fine.
> Makes me want to grab the rat b*stard that designed this setup and beat the
> !@#$!%$^$#@%^%&^% out of him. Considering that 45min later I would have
> been in rush hour traffic in Indy makes the blood run even hotter.
88 90Q "Hannu" - K+N, new vac hoses, still 0.0 bar....
88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally