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Re: transmission fluid


    The only caveat is to make sure you can get the filler plug out before
draining the transmission. You will need a 17 mm hex socket for the filler
and drain plugs. These are steel plugs in an alloy case, so they can be very
tight if galvanic corrosion has occurred.
    Filling the transmission is much easier if you have a suction gun.
    The synthetic oils (Audi brand or Redline) are good in cold weather. I
used the Audi G50 synthetic oil in my tranny. Check the specs for your car.


Fred Munro
'91 200q  262k km
-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Mruss <rmruss@pangea.ca>
To: 'Quattro List' <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 1998 10:59 PM
Subject: transmission fluid

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I checked the archives and
couldn't find a description of the procedure for draining and replacing the
transmission fluid in a manual trans car ('84 5KS).  I've got the Bentley,
and know where the valves are, but I'd appreciate any tips anyone has.  Just
replaced the motor mounts and did the transmission mounts 6 months ago so
the car is shifting quite nicely, but not as smoothly as I'd like.  With all
the talk on the list recently, I'd like to replace the fluid.  Everyone
seems to mention Redline, so that's probably use that, but what weight?  It
often gets down to -35 C here in the winter, don't know how much difference
that makes.


Jeff Mruss