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Re: Regardless of what coolant is best....................

> >Romeo Shayne Pavlic' wrote:
> >>
> >> Regardless of what antifreeze you use,
> >> be sure to use ONLY Deionized H2O.
> >> You will virtually eliminate corosion and deterioration.
> >> Shayne.
> >
> >Isn't that distilled water not "Deionized H2O" ?
> >--
> >Whitson
> >'86 4KCSQ
> >
>   Same thing, is it not????????


Distilled water has impurities taken out of it, you can do this by
boiling and filtering.
Deionixed water has no ionic water molecules in it. Ionic molecules
carry either slight positive or negative charges and can attach
themselves to metals causing corrosion and oxidation..
