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Re: S4 & S6 gathering
At 8:28 AM -0800 11/20/98, Frank Amoroso wrote:
>Ok, this Saturday S / Audi gathering has grown a bit. I'm lobbing a call
>into Dave Jones at Rev Sport to see if he wants to come by.
>There will be a representative from Aero Coluors on hand to explain /
>provide airbrush touch up service if anybody likes (he will in fact be
>touching up my S4 and T-5R).
>I'll also see if a representative from a local Paintless Dent Repair
>facility will stop by (did both of my cars).
Filling chips with the airbrush method that uses the chemical that allows
you to wipe the paint off around the chip without pulling it out of the
chip is a neat process. Everyone will want to have the secret chemical so
they can do it themselfs. Unfortunately the one kit that was on the market
five years ago is no longer available due to lack of sales. It really is
the only way to fill chips so you can never tell that they were ever there.
Mark Turczyn