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fixing my car - highs, lows

	last night i got a real taste for part of the 
	voodoo of fixing an audi.  we fixed two nagging
	little very minor items - the front washer pump
	was the first one.  wd40 and some scraping to 
	clean the contacts and it worked great - the new
	pump was actually installed by the po but it 
	still diddn't work.  we noted that the the fluid
	seems to cool the operation of the pump, since 
	it will start smoking if you run it for 5 seconds
	or more with no fluid running ther.

	the second thing is the rear-hatch light switch.
	started by investigating why the light wouldn't
	ever come on.  troubleshot down the line until
	i checked out the switch : it was all mashed up 
	into the housing, not even actuating.  so i pulled
	it out - gink city!  and what a horrible design
	for a switch.  anyway, after 20 minutes of wd40,
	and a tiny nail as a scraper, the switch worked
	according to my multimeter.  and when installed 
	it all worked :>

	anything else?  well, yeah.  kind of my own very 
	typical dumbness.  we were using one of those 
	home despot halogen floor lights to light up our 
	work.  this started to melt the brake fluid
	resovoir.  this is really lame, and sadly enough
	not totally out of character for me when working
	on cars and bikes.  not melting things, but just 
	doing clueless things.  anyway, live and learn, 
	and the resovoir still functions but i want 
	another one.  anyone have a part number?  i am 
	pretty sure it's specific to the ur-q, looking at
	mike's 4k resovoir.  that said, i'd be happy to
	purchase a replacement should anyone have one 
	lying about.

	that nagging sunroof!  totally frozen screw that
	holds/adjusts the front passenger-side clip (this
	is the manual, removable/tilt sunroof.  i figured 
	i'd give up and start drilling, but in the end the
	threads in the clip are stripped and the screw 
	threads will not really come out, so i'm just 
	going to try and find a new one.  again, anoyne
	have the part number or (even better) a part to

	that's about it.  the 4krpm bucking returned 
	occasionally in the test drive, that's another
	task to tackle.  this weekend i visit the audio 
	installer... the initial consultation.  i think
	he's going to take one look at the layout of the
	ur-q and cry.  that brings up another point... do
	the smaller coupe fuel tanks fit into ur-q's?  i
	am actually considering "downgrading" in order to
	fit a proper subwoofer in there.

 rocky mullin
 '83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good
 this message was composed using the vi editor.