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Re: An excellent tool source (was"PS pump check valves removal problem")
In message <36576AA6.71D5A772@worldnet.att.net> ikessel@worldnet.att.net writes:
> there are places that make all hardware stores look like flea markets.
> If you are an engineer of if you somehow otherwise have access to the
> excellent (perhaps the best there is) industrial supply named
> McMaster-Carr (908) 329-3200:
As regular listers will know, I use Hayways of Kettering.
> The 17mm, 1/2" drive Allen, that I bought from them for undoing those
> stubborn oil plugs, could kill an elephant if you trough it hard enough.
Several listers are now using the FACOM D.107-17 3/8" driver for this -
it swallows part of the 3/8" drive inside the head and it's less than
an inch long.
> I also have their rather unique tool, which I have never seen _anywhere_
> else: a small reversible ratcheting adapter of unbelievable toughness.
> It is a metal cylinder , about 50x50mm, with a male 1/2" square drive x
> 1/2" female square drive, which converts my 22" breaker bar into a
> gigantic ratchet.
All of the majors do them, though not all list them. Snap-On GS77 at
$38, for instance.
I'd have to add another recent discovery - FACOM 287B.8 is an 8mm stud
remover that will grip a stud with only around 4mm protruding. Slips
over the stud and grips with three chuck-like teeth.
And to round off what has become a FACOM advertisement - J.236 is a bit
holder for 8mm and 10mm triple square bits that's only 16mm in diameter.
It's _much_ easier to get into place than a 1/2" drive holder.
One plug for Stahlwille - their 10mm and 12mm Crowfoot flare nut sockets
help me get a metering head off a car in less than five miutes.
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
(The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)