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Re: 1990 V8 Oil Light On

Joe- I hope this has nothing to do with your problem, but I will mention it
because of the serious penalty if pertinent. When I got my 1990 V8 I was
concerned that the oil pressure gauge read 5 bar all the time. Even after a
long hard run, the needle never came off the peg. The car was still under
warranty, so at my next regular oil change at the dealer, I asked the Audi
"specialist" if this was normal. He said he didn't know, and that there
weren't many techs trained on the V8, but he would check. Called back a few
days later, and told me there was a factory mod required to fix this problem.
He ordered the kit, and at the next oil change, installed it. As I recalled,
it was a change in a wire harness(resistor change?). The oil pressure gauge
seemed to work OK afetr that. I mention this because for your problem, one
might tend to ignore it since the gauge reads ok. Well if the gauge is biased
to read high, you could be experiencing low oil pressure, and the light is
correct. I hope its only your gauge/sender, but better safe than sorry.HTH
Frank Santoro
1990 V8(for sale)
1998 A8