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Re: 1990 V8 Oil Light On

Bad instrument cluster.  BTDT

>From: Joe.Oliver@alltel.com
>To: Quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Cc: Michael.J.Stoko@usa.dupont.com
>Subject: 1990 V8 Oil Light On
>Date: Mon, Nov 23, 1998, 10:26 AM

>I have a 1990 Audi V8 Quattro.  It has 122,000 miles on it.  I use Kendall 
>20-50 W oil and change the oil every 6,000 miles.   It has a intermittent 
>problem with the oil flow light coming on.  The oil pressure guage is 
>showing 5 bars all the time at speed and does not go below 2 bars at idle.  
>The light will come on, stay on for a little while and the go out.  Does 
>anyone have an idea of where to look for the problem ?