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Slight grabbing/ticking noise on v8 quattro when first starting out

Hi guys.

Yet another Audi v8 question for the gurus out there.  I just recently
purchased a used 1990 Audi v8 with 140K miles.  Love this car! The car
is in great shape and believe most of the miles are highway miles.  I
did however notice when I test drove the car a slight grabbing and
ticking noise when initially starting out on a paved surface and then
cutting the car with a hard right turn.  When the car is accelerating or
during braking there is no evidance of a problem (the car is straight as
an arrow with no "ticking"). 

To make along story short despite the warning signs I wound up buying
the car.

Since I have had a chance to drive it for a couple of days now I have
noticed that the ticking noise doesn't always occur when turning.
Sometimes it is fine when I turn right. When it does act up, it usually
happens when you are starting out initially from a complete stop. To put
this another way, there appears to be some slight grabbing/interaction
from the right front tire to the left rear when making hard right turns.
At this point, my guess is differential.  My questions are how big,
serious and expensive is the differential to fix on the v8? Are some of
the v8 quattro  drivetrain components interchangeable with a regular
100/200 quattro? Is this soemthing that needs to be addressed
immediately? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I also own a 1987 5K Turbo Quattro with 90K that does not exhibit any of
the aforementioned "ticks". Also, I did notice when I had the back
wheels off the v8 (over the weekend) there was some slight "slop" in the
drivetrain which could mean CV Joints in the driveshaft. (maybe?)



'82 Audi 5K
'86 Audi 5K-CS
'87 Audi 5K-TQ
'90 Audi V8