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Re: Rear Brake Options - '83 Ur-Q
-----Original Message-----
From: johncorbishley <jcorbs@cablemichigan.com>
To: Phil Payne <quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Sunday, November 22, 1998 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Rear Brake Options - '83 Ur-Q
>Ah! I anticipated some more exotic pearl from your wealth of experience.
>Yes, the binding pins do seem the most obvious, although the ones on the
>side were in worse shape and stiffer than those on the damaged side??
>I have cleaned up the pins and lubed them with high temp. brake grease.
>seem to be smooth with very little play, so may work again. I'll open the
>pistons as soon as I confirm access to a rebuild kit, and have the rotors
>skimmed. Niether are showing much obvious wear, other than the pitting on
>problem side.
>I'll let you know how it goes.
>Thanks for the help.
>John Corbs
I wouldn't bother getting the rear discs skimmed. I my experience, these
unventilated rotors will rapidly warp due to the heat relief of residual
stresses from the turning operation. You are usually farther ahead to get
new discs.
I have found that I need to R&R my rear calipers annually to keep the
rear brakes working properly through our salty Canadian winters.
Fred Munro
'91 200q 262k km