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Re: intermittent non-operation of '95 90q speedometer

I've got at 5kcstq about 2 years ago I had the samp prolbem. It seemed
that beatting on the dash worked sometimes too. Fixed it by checking out
the sending unit on the diff. It had just a little crosion on it. Spryed
on some triflow cleaned it up with a rag and pluge back in the conector.
Worked great till I broke the sending unit about 6 months later taking
out a CV joint!

David M. Fox wrote:

> I drive a '95 90q
> The speedometer has a couple of times been
> inoperative immediately after the car was
> started.
> I kind of banged on the instrument panel just
> above the speedometer each of the two or
> three times that this happened and it
> seemed to correct the problem.
> Once I was driving down the interstate
> with the cruise on. All of a sudden the speedometer
> went down to 0 and the cruise control acted strangely
> for a few seconds. Then once again the speedometer
> and cruise control were ok.
> Anyone here experienced similar phenomena?
> If so, what was your fix for it (hopefully a better
> fix than banging on the instrument panel)?
> Thanks
> Dave Fox

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