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Re: Hydraulic oils, 5KCSTQ?

Nick -

There's been plenty of discussion about this. According to a lubrication
engineer somewhere, there are several compatible fluids to G 002 000
(commercially available as Pentosin 7.1). These include a Ford hydraulic
brake oil, available at Ford tractor dealers, and Jaguar and Case
versions. I went and bought some of the Ford stuff, before I fixed the
hydraulic leaks on my car. It was $5/quart, which isn't really that
cheap compared to The Parts Connection's $7.95/liter, at least when it's
on sale. And its chemical listings were vague enough that it may or may
not be an adequate substitute for Pentosin 7.1.

So the conclusion is, stock up on the real stuff from TPC when they've
got it on sale (as I think they do right now), and find the sources
(plural is likely!) of your leaks and take care of them as soon as you
can. Once you find the leaks, the list can help you with the
repair/replacement of the pump or rack.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 151k

> And while I'm on the subject of oils, what's the collective wisdom on
> appropriate hydraulic oils?  Do I need to use Audi's $$$ stuff, or will
> the oil I use in my John Deer farm tractor (which handles everything
> from power steering to hydraulic reversing clutches to lubricating the
> various transmissions and making the front-end loader load) do just
> fine?
> TIA,
> Nick Evans
> Mayflower Garage
> Barboursville, Virginia
> '87 5KCSTQ