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oil change interval w/mobil 1

Hi guys,

I've been using mobil 1 for more then 10 years. When I bought my 87 5000TQ
it had 89,000 miles on it. I immediately started using 15w-50 mobil 1 in it
also.  I now have 204,787 and I do not use one quart between oil changes. (I
had it inspected /emission tested yesterday). Oh, it passed the first time.
I change the oil and filter every 5000 to 6000 miles.
Additionally, this motor's never been apart, and I'm running around one bar.
My only trouble is I think that the turbo seal's leaking a minor amount:
(blows oil on"cold" starts and the rubber boot to the plenum puddles oil).
NO, the oil there is not comming from the crank vent, that's routed to
somewhere else... Does the k-24 turbo fit as an exact replacement for the
K-26 which the older cars have?

Joel Stetina<mlcmlc@enter.net>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Mulholland <meyeke@netinc.ca>
To: AQUATTRO4U@aol.com <AQUATTRO4U@aol.com>
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Monday, November 23, 1998 9:47 PM
Subject: oil change interval

>howard i've used mobil 1 15 - 50 for almost three years and i change it
>every 3000 - 3500 miles. at that mileage my lifters always tell me its time
>to renew.
>86 5kcdtq