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Re: 4kq outdos cop

> > BTW IMHO, 5-8mph over speed limit is not reason to be stopped.
> > And ticketed and searched and treated like a criminal.....
> > Just in the city I live..... small town called Keller......
> Agreed. 
> However, you should not expect _not_ to be stopped for 8 mph over, should
> you? You're the one giving them the reason to stop you by speeding.
> Granted, a very small reason, but a reason none the less.
> Also,  you've stated a number of times that "all the cops are jerks". Any
> chance that attitude comes through when you're stopped? Bet it does, even
> if unintentional. They're people too, and no one enjoys getting attitude
> for doing their job.
No, I do not treat them bad at all......
I use sir, ask permission to get license out of my back pocket,
keeep both hands on steering wheel when stopped and try to find a safe
place (outside of traffic) to pull over, use 4 way flashers, etc.
Lot's of sirs and very polite attitude, after all they can take you
to jail for your attitude if they feel like it so don't give 'em a resaon
to put you behind bars....

Rich Andrews
> FWIW, I used to think all cops were jeks too. 
> Eventually, you will _really_ need their help.
> Does everyone else in the town think they're jerks? Perhhaps you should
> move to a town where they're not so jerkish. Let me know when you find
> it!.*VBG* 
> Steve Bigelow
> ICQ 22399818
> Discreet Dungeons
> Ottawa Ontario
> '84 5ks "Audrey", Zermatt silver, Husco armrest/cupholder, Bosch H4/H1
> quads
> '82 Coupe (previous)