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Re: Super Torque Timing Belt

At 10:34 PM 11/28/98 +0000, Phil Payne wrote:

>In message <199811282037.PAA14216@coimbra.ans.net> "Scott Mo." writes:
>With the greatest respect to yourself, and with a lot less to Audi, the
>parts microfiche is bollocks - at least with regard to the MB
>This is just an example - but I have no doubt that the same might well
>be true for 1989 MC engines ...

Yes, very true, in fact, I own one example of the 1989 200TQ where the VIN
break doesn't pan out. I recently purchased an early 89 200TQ from an
auction with the VIN # 44KN004382 which "should" have the early timing belt
with square cogs.....but of course it doesn't, it has the later style Super
Torque belt....

I should have mentioned that the VIN # break is only an
approximation.....and as you have noted....not a very good one....having it
tied to the engine number as you have suggested....would have been nice :-)

Nothing worse than putting a rounded cog belt.....on a square gear......


Scott Mockry
SJM Auto-Technik
