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Re: 88 5K HVAC Recirculation Door
> solenoids and vacuum lines work! Now all I have to do is hook up the
> spring. Where??? I see where one end of the spring goes onto a plastic
> ring on the back of the door. Where does the other end go?
There is a round plastic bar that goes across the bracket that holds
the vacuum motor. Easiest way to reconnect is to unscrew the door,
take the plastic plug/spring holder out of the door. Now connect the spring,
put the plug back in the door - easier since you can slide the door
around - and finally, screw the door back to its arms. A new seal
for the door might be a good idea.
> While fiddling around in there, the vacuum line came off the bellows thingy
> that pushes the door closed. I put it back on, but it comes off pretty
> easily. The rubber by now has lost its elasticity. I would think that a
> good bump would knock it off. How could I replace that line? Not much
> room in there.
Get a vacuum connector and splice an extra inch or two of hose in.
If this hose falls off, you get all kinds of _strange_ behavior...
makes you think there are gremlins in there. The usual symptom is
the dash vents closing after being under boost for a while!
Would removing the glove box give me any better access?
Probably. Lots of trim to pull too. Getting it all back is
entertaining. Mark every single scre...
> Recirculated air is when the door is open to the interior of the car,
> right? What is the downside of just duct taping the door shut so that I
> always get fresh air. This may make the air conditioner slower to cool off
> the car on initial start up, but I could live with that.
Try it. But plug that vacuum line lest the gremlins get in thru it.
...or you'll be doing the Auto/Econ dance... select auto, door tries
to open, hose has fallen off so vacuum leak, lose vacuum to dash
vents which close... select econ, door tries to open (no vacuum to fallen
off hose), vacuum restored to center vents which open and give a brief
blast of cold air... select Auto when air gets warm... repeat.
The above fails when under boost... no vacuum to restore to center
vents so they stay closed until you lift your foot. Can be a
problem going up hill!
BTW, the plastic bracket that holds that vacuum motor tends to break
too. There is an incredibly overengineered metal bracket that screws
to the plastic cross pieces to fix this particular problem...
though getting it in and screwed in place is painful (scraped
knuckles on the fins of the evaporator)!