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Re: daily update
In message <Pine.GSO.3.95.981201145417.24537A-100000@outside.organic.com> c a l i b a n writes:
> also, noticed a new unusual behavior. the car
> seems to not want to let go of the idle speed
> when i clutch in - between gears or coming to
> a stop. it takes several seconds for the revs
> to drop down to idle speed once i stop. the drop
> is a slow, smooth decline. i am going to check
> the throttle linkage stuff, but i thought there
> might be a good btdt from y'all.
You fixed something. This is what it's supposed to do - or at least,
it's what the ur-quattro ISV controller is supposed to do, and I think
it's the same part.
Idle is 800 rpm at rest - optimised for low vibration. It's raised if
the battery voltage is low or the a/c is on. The ISV will _not_ allow
idle to drop below 2000 rpm if the vehicle is moving - it assumes you
might need the power steering or the brake accumulator refreshing.
If you knock an ur-quattro MB (equivalent to the MC engine) out of gear
and coast gently to a stop, the idle drops in specific stages and
finally drops to 800 rpm some seconds after the car comes to a halt.
> let's see... people at the breakfast gathering
> last weekend noticed a little puffing sound from
> the motor - i am told it's a little exhaust leaking
> from the manifold (?). could this have anything
> to do with it, and is it a showstopper of a
> problem?
Not yet, but it will be fairly soon. It's called a "tick".
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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