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Lucas is not the only Prince of Darkness

I was steaming quietly but forcefully up the A34 from Newbury to Oxford
last night (UKers will know the road) and roared down one of the hills
into one of the darker spots (i.e., pitch black) with the good ol'
starship landing lights blazing away.

All off a sudden - nothing.  No light proceeded from the vehicle to
light my way, save a couple of Euro side marker lights.  A _bit_ more
use than DoT lights, but I digress.

I carried on (carefully) on just the fogs until I could assess the
damage.  Fuses OK, relays OK, bulbs OK, hmmm.

This morning the problem is revealed.  The a%%hole monkey lads at
Wayside had re-installed the auxiliary harness incorrectly, and it
chafed through on the top of the oil cooler.  A foot of 3.5mm cable
has little chance against the combined power of battery and alternator.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)