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Re: 88 5K HVAC Recirc. Door

> The correct part number for the metal bracket which the TSB specifies to
> hold the vacuum servo is 200 271 200.  List price is $10.92.  It is a
> substantial sucker.  I can't see how it goes in to mount the servo.  The

It just slides over the plastic cross-pieces... the hard part is getting
it screwed in.  There are two weak points - the spring and the plastic
bracket.  Once you get a nice new strong spring in there, the bracket
will probably break.  Fortunately, this failure mode leaves the door shut.

> I assume that the fix goes as follows.  Hook spring onto the plastic bar
> that goes across the servo mount.  Remove plastic plug/bracket from door. 
> Dangle plug/bracket from spring.  Place door in area and juggle door and
> plug to get the plug/bracket back into door.  Reinstall door onto the hinge
> arms with the 2 Phillips head screws.  I see difficulty in stretching
> spring once it is on the plug/bracket to get it back onto the door. 

That's how I did it.

> Stretching the spring also will stress the plastic bar on the other end. 
> Any suggestions?

The plastic bar seems strong enough.  I haven't heard of one breaking yet.
