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Re: TT Sighting at AofA
On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Ti Kan wrote:
> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think "beautiful" is the
That is a partially true statement in so much as marginal designs can
look good to some folks while looking bad to others. However, truly
great aesthetic design _usually_ looks good to a majority, and typically
follows rules or guidelines for shape, symetry, asymetry, proportion,
etc. The TT breaks them all IMHO.
> It is a stunning design that transcends beyond mere styling. There has
I'd say daring, but not stunning.
> been a lot of discussions about the bauhaus philosophy behind the TT's
> design and I won't even attempt to repeat it here, but suffice to say
> that the lines and curves are not as arbitrary as you eluded.
I believe they are. I was never a big fan of Bauhaus anyway, and I think
the TT is heavily influenced by Bauhaus, now that you mention it. It
has been a while since I learned about Bauhaus.
> Hey, you also said that the new A6 is ugly...
I'm mostly offended by the rear end design. The front end isn't too
bad. AS a result, the A6 Avant, which has a better rear end design,
looks better to me. I still don't aspire to own one. Especially when
BMW 5 series are out there.
> Do you find the styling
> of the GM cars pleasing?
Not particularly. The Seville looks good, and the Corvette is growing on
me although it has heavy butt, and a wimpy nose. Pontiac has a fixation
with lines (look at a Bonneville - lines everywhere!) Olds are just
plain weird.
Some of my favourite designs are the 308 Ferrari, Jaguar E-type,
Lamborghini Miura and Marzal (showcar), Jaguar XJ-6 ('74 - '88) and most
of the BMW sedans of the last few years. I think one of the best,
wildest, and also the most beautiful sedan on the road today is the new
Intrepid. The 300M is OK too, but it is a little weird at the front. The
5000 was very advanced for its time and still looks handsome, but a little
outdated now. I like the S4/100/A6 design from '92 until '96. I think
that was a handsome, well proportioned car.
I won't even start listing ugly cars, because there are far too many. By
time you get through all the American beasts, the Porsches, the Saabs and
Volvos, it would take quite a few Meg of 'bandwidth.'
So now you know what I really think. :-) BTW, the previous comments wre
regarding styling only. Alot of other factors would influence my
decision on which car to drive. A few of those I wouldn't ever own, but
some of them I might, some day. I might even drive an ugly car
occasionally if its mechanical virture makes it worthwhile. :-)
Graydon D. Stuckey
'86 Audi 5000 CS Quattro - For Sale - Best offer over $5000.00
0 - 60mph in 5.5 seconds!
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