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Where Defrost connector!!!

	I still cant find it and it is snowing majorly here.  My
Girlfriend is wringing my neck because she cant see out the back of the
car.  Re Cap.  This is for REar BTW Car is 87' 4kq.  When turned on light
comes on. SO Switch has power, Switch is sending power.  Power not getting
to back window or side windows.  There are Two connectors, first is T6,
a 6-pin that is NOT listed in my bently as to location.  IT starts list at
T6a.  Hmmm, for other cars it says it is 6pt Brown, Behind Dash.  Second
connector is T1 which is listed as one point, Engine Compartment, Right.
Is right Passenger side, I looked and could NOT find it.  Cleaned ALOT
uner battery while looking.  I am guesing problem is T6.  BUt no other
problems are croping up.  I would trace the wires but it disappears into a
harness behind the instument cluster and I REally dont want to pull the
Dash to follow the harness.  Also dont want to run new wires if I can help
	Please, any ideas on where this connector is and how to get to it.
I CAN pull Glove Box but would rather not as with AC there it is still
hard to reach anything.  Thanks ANYONE who can help.  Simple problem but I
am Stumped.  Arghhh.

	Todd Phenneger
	1984 4000s quattro / modified/ awaiting Turbo Transplant.
	1985 4000 quattro / Silver / Fixing it Up.
	1987 4000cs quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
	1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
   *****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!