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Re: quattro-digest V4 #3197

To Craig Porter:

There's a foam gasket that goes around the edge of the damper in the center
air vent.  It's a dark color and, if you look carefully, it may be lying in
the bottom of the vent just behind the grill.  It comes unglued and falls
off.  I've reinstalled it several times on the one of my two '86 4KQ's that
has had it come loose by using a combination of long, stout tweezers and a
hook-ended awl type of tool.  I've not been able to get it restuck,
however, just put back in place and sealed up for the winter.  I've not
figured out how to get the grill off the face of the vent without breaking
the plastic junk.  With direct access, it'd be easy to reglue.

<<<<<<From: Ckpcnp@aol.com
Subject: Please help stop the cold air!!!!!   4kcsq

I cant stop the cold air from coming out of my center vents.  The vents close,
but air still comes through.  Is there a seal or gasket that can be replaced?
Any BTDTs?  Can I replace it without removing the dash?  Please help, it's
getting colder!
Craig Porter

86 4kcsq 205,000 miles
70 914 100,400 miles  what a difference 
                                 16 years makes>>>>