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Re: KG Engine specs

In a message dated 12/10/98 2:22:35 AM, tonyg@ms.unimelb.edu.au wrote:

>he car has a (presumably non-original) KG engine, and the local
>authorities want to subject it to a $2500 emission test, unless
>he can provide some provenance. Audi (Australia) are, as usual,
>totally unhelpful (their web site says "Don't ask us about specs.")
>If it is an engine designed for the US, and therefore meets US
>emission regs., the local authorities will accept that, but if
>its a (dirty) European spec engine, he'll have to have it tested.
>A search of the archives for KG engine didn't help, so if anyone 
>can provide the necessary info, he'll be much obliged.

TRY HERE;    http://www.relitech.com/helmut/ENGINES.HTM

this page has all the specs for the I/5 early years up to 3b mostly European
and Austrailian