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Re: 4KQ rear/center diff oil seal confusion

In a message dated 12/3/98 12:22:56 AM, cparkin@telusplanet.net wrote:


Did Audi change manufacturers of the rear differential half-way through

the '87 model year? A repair shop I intend to have the seal replaced at

said this is the reason why the left rear diff seal parts price may be

between CDN $22.60 and CDN $160.00, depending on which 'version' of rear

diff I have. I just looked at the diff and saw that it has 'AEC 15096'

stamped on it.

The local Audi dealer *insists* that the left rear diff seal is only

$22.60. They never asked me for any more information - which makes me

think there is only ONE part. Does anybody know who is right?

On another note, the center differential to driveshaft oil seal is also

leaking :-( Obviously the main driveshaft has to be removed to get at

this. Does anyone know if this means dropping the rear end out of the

car? The driveshaft appears as if it just unbolts at the center diff and

the rear diff ends. Any ideas as to parts and labour costs?

Thanks in advance,

Craig P.

'87 4KQ


  your repair guy probably has seals blanket listed for the 4kQ...covering
model years 84-87.5...there are 2 different seals...the part change was made
in mid 85...
this should mean that you have the latter less expensive seal..the rear inner
CV joints are also different {8mm tripple square bolt holes for
85.5-87.5}...you can drop the shaft without rear diff removal....although that
rear diff seal is a lot easier to replace with unit removed.....