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RE: S6

At 12:48 PM 12/14/98 -0800, Buchholz, Steven wrote:
>> Which reminds me...what IS the difference between the 94-95 S6 and the
>> 951/2 S6?
>... it was my understanding that they are the same car ... it was just a way
>to get the cars into the USA before the new OBD laws took effect in 1996 ...
>I was told this by a dealer, so it may or may not be the complete truth ...

What?!  A dealer not getting it right?  Shirley you jest!

The designation came with the '95 S6 (basically a rebadged and slightly
updated '94 S4).  There are differences between the '95 and the '95.5 S6s.
Most are more or less cosmetic in nature.  Probably the most significant
item is the loss of the diff lock switch at model change.  Let's see...
The radio is wider in the '95.5 and therefore the cigarette lighter is in
the center console, not the dash.  There are probably a few other minor
items such as that.

Avoiding OBDII was the apparent reason for the '95.5 not being the '96
because '96s must have the OBDII capability - a major hassle for a car
brought into the good ole Yew Ess of Aye in such small quantities
(~500/yr).  Looks like maybe your dealer got that bit right anyway, Steve.

  *  Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net    Home 304-574-2372/1166  *
  *  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP  *
  *  '95 S6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen                        *