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Re: Whats the DEAL?

I have a story for you. A few weeks ago, my friend told me this one.
Apparently he was at a four way stop in his CGT. He saw at another corner
of the intersection a very sharp looking black 4kq. In admiration of this
other Audi, he waved it to go ahead before him. The driver of the 4kq got
terribly confused and gave my friend a look that seemed to say "what the
hell are you doing?". Too confused to do anything, he waited untill my
friend, now frustrated, went ahead.


Scott Sierakowski wrote:

> I was thinking about this on the way to work after seeing a pair of
> Jeeps.  All the time I see Jeep owners (mostly CJ's) always wave to
> passing traffic, that is other Jeeps.  What's the deal, why don't Audi
> Quattro owners have some type of camaraderie signal?  Is there some
> ultra secret signal that I don't know about or is having a Quattro like
> being in cult that we don't want people to know about?  After all, an
> Audi is far superior to a Jeep, right?  Sorry if I offended any Jeep
> owners out there with that statement I meant no offense.  This is just
> some crazy idea I had, sorry if I wasted your time.
> Scott
> 95 90Q Sport